Engaging presentations and enhanced collaboration at BMW - MINI Meerschman

Engaging presentations and enhanced collaboration at BMW - MINI Meerschman

Written by i3-Technologies
Friday, October 21, 2022

When moving to their new office, the colleagues at the BMW - MINI Meerschmann in Aalst, Belgium, wanted to invest in the right technology for their meeting rooms to make collaboration and presenting easier and more effective.

The move to digital collaboration

Like many others over the last few years, they have been forced into fully remote or a mix of in-office and home working, collaborating with colleagues in a virtual environment. Upon returning to the office, they were presenting on laptops, which made it difficult for everyone to be seen and heard and to share content with everyone participating. 

The need for interactive touchscreens

At first, BMW - MINI Meerschman considered smart TVs or screens that their colleagues would plug their laptops into using HDMI, but it still lacked many of the features they needed, like wireless presenting and easy whiteboarding, among others. This is when they turned to interactive touchscreens, more specifically, the i3TOUCH from i3-Technologies.

annotating on a i3touch display

Easy and engaging presentations

Not only do their employees use their meeting rooms, but also customers or others within the group. Because of this, the meeting room technology needed to be easy to use. Using one cable connection, any of their customers or clients can walk into the meeting room, plug in and start presenting and/or conferencing easily.

They have two meeting rooms in their new building. One is equipped with a wall-mounted i3TOUCH, and the other has an i3TOUCH on a mobile stand for more flexibility. They also use the i3TOUCH on the mobile stand in the showroom to give presentations. Using i3ALLSYNC, team members can easily and instantly start meetings without cables or hassle.

The installations of i3-Technologies products at BMW - MINI Meerschman were carried out by our trusted partner Sovilux.

Meeting at BMW Meerschman
Overall, BMW Garage employees are very happy with their interactive displays. They are easy to use, good quality, and what they hoped for and expected from the i3TOUCH.
Tom Van Hamme
Tom Van Hamme Marketing Manager at BMW - MINI Meerschman

Video | Engaging presentations and enhanced collaboration at BMW - MINI MEERSCHMAN

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i3-Technologies is one of the world´s leading manufacturers of interactive technologies for group collaboration and education. We ensure you can leverage your existing technology by building solutions that work in the way your teams want to work. Our innovative solutions bridge digital and analog environments, giving you technology that's easy to use and integrate into your existing infrastructure. We aspire to create environments where our interactive and integrated solutions inspire human interactions.